About ESI

The Earth and Space Institute (ESI) at UMBC works closely with the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET) and the Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Research (GESTAR II), cooperative agreements between UMBC and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, on:

  • instrument development, design, prototyping, fabrication, and deployment
  • lab, field, and on-orbit instrument calibration exercises
  • science data analysis and algorithm development
  • grant proposals, publications, and outreach
  • student training in association with degree-granting institutions

The ESI is strongly affiliated with the Atmospheric Physics graduate program at UMBC. Graduate students seeking Masters and PhD degrees have contributed significantly to ESI projects at all levels. We are seeking highly motivated and curious students!

For more information about the Earth and Space Institute at UMBC, our specific projects, or collaboration and affiliation opportunities, contact the ESI Director, Dr. J. Vanderlei Martins, Professor of Physics.